Page 10 PT-EXPL 072010
How to Build a Wine Cellar Instructional Video
WhisperKOOL has a construction tutorial available on line at our website: www.whisperkool.com. This tutorial will walk you
through the steps of constructing a properly built wine cellar and the installation of our WhisperKOOL product line.
Back - Exhaust Room
Exhaust Fan
Air Intake Cellar Wall
110ºF 55ºF
Wine Cellar
(side view)
The necessity of dissipating heat away from the unit is critical to the unit’s performance and cannot be over-
stated. As the unit operates and cools, a greater amount of heat is generated on the exhaust side of the unit.
Adequate ventilation is required in order to dissipate heat away from the unit. If ventilation is inadequate, the
exhaust will heat up and adversely aect the unit’s ability to cool. In some cases, it may be advisable to install a
vent fan to dissipate heat within the exhaust area on the backside of the unit. However, you must have a fresh
air inlet as well. If your unit requires ducting, please contact WhisperKOOL Customer Service to obtain a spe-
cially designed ducting accessory kit for the unit. Using any other ducting system will void the warranty.
Ambient Temperature Factor
The cooling system has the ability to cool a maximum of 55°F below the ambient temperature of the room it
is exhausting to. Therefore, you want to exhaust the unit in a room which will not exceed 105°F. Otherwise the
unit will not have the capacity to keep the wine at a desirable 55°F.
Unobstructed Airow
Unobstructed airow to and from the unit is a critical factor in the unit’s overall performance. Make sure there is
a minimum 3 ft. horizontal clearance from the rear of the unit as well as a minimum 3 ft. clearance in front of the
evaporator fans. This will assure that the unit can move the air around in an ecient manner.