
146 HP ProLiant DL360 Generation 4 Server Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
on page 147
Outside North America, call the nearest HP Technical Support Phone Center.
For telephone numbers for worldwide Technical Support Centers, refer to the
HP website (http://www.hp.com
Server Information You Need
Before contacting HP, collect the following:
All information from any troubleshooting efforts to this point.
A printed copy of the system and operating environment information and a
copy of any historical data that might be relevant. If possible, obtain an
electronic copy of this information to send by e-mail to a support specialist.
To collect this information, run the Survey Utility (if available) and refer to
the server documentation.
A list of the system components:
Product, model, and serial number
Hardware configuration
Add-on boards
Connected peripherals such as tape drives
A list of all third-party hardware and software:
Complete product name and model
Complete company name
Product version
Driver version
Any notes describing the details of the problem, including recent changes to
the system, the events that triggered or are associated with the problem, and
the steps needed to reproduce the problem.
Notes on anything nonstandard about the server setup.
Operating system information ("Operating System Information You Need"