20 Operation
MAN0506 (Rev. 9/5/2008)
the flails under all operating conditions. (See Balance
Statement, page 5.)
NOTE: To avoid unnecessary wear on knives and
related parts, never set the unit lower than the recom-
mended setting. (See Balance Statement, page 5.)
Figure 11. 3-Point Hitch Models
3-Point Hitch Models
Use the ratchet on the rockshaft mount to set the unit
Pull-Type Models
Use the ratchets or cylinders on the hitch and rockshaft
mount to set the unit height.
Figure 12. Pull-Type Models (Ratchet)
3-Point & 2-Point Hitch Models
1. Set lower 3-point arms in the free-float position.
2. Set the hitch in the non-swing position.
3. Set the hydraulic system to allow the 3-point to
float. Refer to tractor manual for instructions.
4. 3-Point models only: Be sure the floating mast is
free to slide in its mounting frame to allow the
machine to follow ground contours. Refer to Figure
Figure 13. Free-Float Position
The shredder is factory equipped with “L” or cup type
flails. The two types are interchangeable.
“L” Flails
“L” flails (Figure 15) work best when trash or crop resi-
due is standing.
Cup Flails
Cup flails (Figure 16) can pick up material from the
ground and work best in matted trash conditions.
The standard cup flail is 11 inches (279 mm) long and
is used for most applications. Optional 7 and 9 inch
(177 and 228 mm) flails are available to match the tip
position to ground contour.
Attach optional cup flails as follows, making sure that
knives at 180° match (see Figure 14) (see Balance
Statement, page 5):
1. Leave standard flails located between the rows.
2. Remove others and install shorter flails to follow
ground contour. Be sure to mount the same size
flails on opposite sides of the tube. Measure the
row spacing and flail position carefully to minimize
ground contact. See page 36 and page 37.