MAN0101 (Rev. 9/15/2006)
You will need the following equipment to calibrate your seeder.
1. Two jack stands.
2. One to two pound sample of seed.
3. One tarp or canvas approximately 48" x 84".
4. One scale capable of measuring ounces or tenths of a pound.
1. Evenly distribute seed in the bottom of seed box.
2. Raise STR just enough to lift rear roller spikes off the ground and
securely block the rear corners of the frame with jack stands. Blocking
up prevents hydraulic leak down or mechanical component failure.
3. Place a canvas or trap under STR to collect seed.
4. Open seed cups half way and lock into position.
5. Turn rear roller in the direction of travel the number of revolutions as
indicated in the Formula section.
Calibrating the STR for unlisted seed or seed blends
6. Weigh the collected seed and calibrate.
7. If seed rate is not correct, repeat steps 1 through 6, after adjusting
the seed cup opening.
Revolutions per 1000 sq. ft.
STR48 - 87
STR60 - 69
STR72 - 58
Weight of collected seed
(___oz. x .0625 = ___ lbs.)
Seed per acre
(___ lbs. x 43.56 = ___ lbs. per acre)
STR48 rear roller was rotated 87 complete revolutions in the direction
of travel as specified above. Collected seed weighed 10 ounces or .63
pounds (10 oz. x .0625 = .63 lbs). Seed rate was calibrated at .63 lbs. x
43.56 = 27.4 lbs. of seed per acre.
Rates are intended as a guide only. Variation in seed size and cleanliness will affect rates.
Check acreage and pounds of seed used and calibrate seeding rate per manual instructions for best results.
*Seed cups will crack some seeds at this setting. Not recommended: Lentils, Sorghum, Sudan Gras