
Release Installation
This version of Accxes (13.0 b 141) requires OS Install CD version 4.1 or higher. BSP Kernel revision
61.fc6 or later is also required. Service is required to upgrade from earlier Accxes® revisions.
Regarding scanner firmware revisions: If you are upgrading the firmware of a system containing a Xerox Wide
Format Scanner, you must also ensure that the scanner firmware is upgraded, prior to upgrading the controller,
to the following version:
IMPORTANT NOTE: The controller will only accept the installation when there are no active jobs being
Accxes Client Tools
Download the file named “<Controller>_<Printer>_<Accxes_version>.disk.bin”. A status sheet will be printed and
indicate that the download was successful.
Web Printer Management Tool
Select Utilities > Upload > Upload File. Use the Browse button to select the
“<Controller>_<Printer>_<Accxes_version>.disk.bin”. Click on the “Upload” button. A printed status sheet will
indicate that the download was successful.
Download the software using LPR with the following command line:
lpr –P printername “<Controller>_<Printer>_<Accxes_version>.disk.bin”
A status sheet will be printed and indicate that the download was successful.