option Function What it does for you
Web Services 24/7 Web portal connecting your print shop
to your customers
From anywhere, your customers can submit new jobs
securely and reorder existing ones over the internet
(or an intranet).
Process Manager Automates your print shop’s common
prepress steps
In addition to a touchless workfl ow, you can process
more jobs faster, for less, and maximize your printers.
Output Manager Automates load balancing and job scheduling You can automate your application production and
enhance effi ciency.
Makeready and Scanner 665 Optimizes document assembly processes,
can blend hard copy with digital
Gets your input ready for printing and archiving,
facilitates easy retrieval.
Variable Information Suite Enhance transactional or marketing materials
with personalization and/or security features
Get a better return on your investment with
TransPromo pieces, ensure security for your
valued documents.
Express to Print Intuitive visual interface simplifi es job ticketing
and prepress functions while template-based
automation streamlines job set up
Cost-effectively increase your productivity, even
on cumbersome jobs like business cards, books
and manuals.
Productivity: Doing more for you in less time
Productivity is essential to achieving a great return on your equipment investments. The Xerox Nuvera
100/120/144 EA Production System, driven by the FreeFlow
Print Server, offers you excellent imaging plus
the maximum productivity you need. You’ll enjoy excellent job control with this system. In addition, it offers
the fl exibility and freedom to work within a number of network environments to produce business-building
applications on a variety of equipment.
How the FreeFlow
Print Server
benefi ts your business
The FreeFlow
Print Server enhances your
business’s productivity, effectiveness and,
ultimately, its profi tability in vital ways,
for example:
• Receive/RIP/print jobs concurrently to
effi ciently produce hundreds of small jobs
or transactional data jobs with thousands
of customer database entries
• Print and re-print on-demand with simple
controls to preview, edit, impose, proof, inter-
rupt, reprogram and forward jobs
• Advanced security controls allow individual
or group settings