
Installation Planning Guide 19
telnet Terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks. Connects a
workstation to a server (or other workstation) on the network and
allows you to enter commands that will be executed as if you
were entering them directly at the server.
throughput Measurement of the speed of a printer, expressed in pages per
tint Color resulting from adding white to a pure hue.
token ring Network topology in which a control packet or token is passed
from station to station in sequential order. Stations needing
access must wait for the token before transmitting data. In a
token ring, the next logical station receiving the token is also the
next physical station.
tone A primary color in its pure form, or mixed with black or white to
create a lighter tint or darker shade of the primary color.
tray grouping A group or cluster of related feeder trays.
Feature of the 4850, 4890, and 92C that enables the imaging of
both the black and the color portions of the page in a single pass
through the creation of a third charge state.
truncated Cut off before completion, as when data transfer from a host to a
printer is cut off before all data has been transmitted.
two-up Application that prints two logical pages on one side of a physical
ULTRIX Operating system that runs on DECStations. It consists of a
hierarchical system of commands, shells, files, and directories.
See also
operating system.
UNIX Operating system for computers, usually working in a network
environment. UNIX consists of a hierarchical system of
commands, shells, files, and directories.
See also
user interface (UI) System for gathering input from a user and presenting data to
the user.
virtual page Page area selected by a forms designer for printing.
virtual printers Alternate names for the printer which allow different sets of
attribute values to be applied to submitted jobs. The operator and
system administrator define virtual printer names and the
associated set of attributes and values.
window Area of a desktop associated with a task.
client workstation.
x axis Horizontal axis on a forms grid.