Specifications for Xerox
SMARTsend Key Features
Web-based software application that automates •
the digital transformation, conversion and
distribution of hard copy documents, making
more information accessible to more people
Scanning workflow creation via web •
browser wizards
Send to multiple destinations with a single scan •
Add indexing information (metadata) to •
scanned documents
Convert scanned documents into a variety of •
industry standard formats
Vary the scanned image format by destination •
Scan to Home feature allows easy set up of scan •
destinations (email address, FTP site, ECM Systems
or network folder) for walk-up users
Secure encrypted transmission of scanned data •
Private Workflows •
(with MFP Network Authentication)
Delivery confirmations via email or printed at •
MFP scan source
SMARTsend Pro Key Features
Everything in SMARTsend, plus:
Workflow initiation using PaperWare (scan cover •
sheets) enables scan destinations to be modified
at the scan source
Integrated Optical Character Recognition •
facilitates automatic digital archiving and easy
document repurposing
System Specifications
For best performance it is recommended that
SMARTsend be installed on a dedicated
server/computer. The minimum requirements are:
•CPU: 1.0GHzorfaster
•HardDrive 1GBormorefreediskspace
•RAM: 512MBormore.
for all operating systems and is
required for Windows Vista)
(also supports HTTP/HTTPS)
(multiple adapters are not supported)
SMARTsend may also be installed on a shared print
or file server with the above minimum specifications.
©2009 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox
and the sphere of connectivity design and Document Centre® DocuShare®,
SMARTsend®, WorkCentre® and ColorQube™ are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. 09/09
Operating Systems Supported
all service packs and critical updates and Internet
Information Services installed
The SMARTsend EIP applications are only supported
SMARTsend may also be installed on the above
operating systems in conjunction with VMware
virtual infrastructure or Microsoft Virtual PC/Virtual
Server. This may result in reduced performance
(slower processing) based on the virtual machine.
Client Requirements
The SMARTsend client interface is web browser-
based and can be accessed through the following
supported web browsers:
Windows Clients
MicrosoftInternetExplorerversion5.5andhigher •
Windows/Mac Clients
NetscapeNavigatorversion7.0andhigher •
Mac OS X v10.2 or later
Mozillaversion1.7andlater •
MozillaFireFoxversion1.0.6andhigher •
Linux/Unix Clients
Mozillaversion1.7andlater •
MozillaFireFoxversion1.0.6andhigher •
Supported Xerox Multifunction Devices*
devices have been certified to work with SMARTsend:
• ColorQube™9201/9202/9203
*Check www.xerox.com for SMARTsend support.
Internet Fax or E-Mail enabled devices
(through the use of SMARTsend Pro PaperWare
coversheets), including:
WorkCentre Pro and
Document Centre Requirements
• T C P / I P
Output Destination and
Repositories Supported
• E m a i l
• F T P
For more information, call 1-800-ASK-XEROX, or visit us online at www.xerox.com/office