Phaser 3100MFP/X
- 74 -
12 - PC Features
3 Click on the icon to display the available
To add a field, proceed as follows:
- Select the field you want to insert by clicking the
field palette. A stamp replaces the cursor of your
- Click the location where you want to put the field
on the model. To delete a field you have just added,
select it and press the delete key on your keyboard.
- You can move or enlarge the field as you like.
4 As soon as fields are inserted, save the cover
This cover page can be selected in the tab C
the fax send window.
Description of the tab COVER PAGE
Adjust the size of your field so that
the text is readable.
Field Description
Name of the cover
Either the name of the page
selected by default or the page
you have selected to use.
You can enter information
concerning the sender.
You can enter information
concerning the recipient.
If the word Auto is entered in
one of the fields, the field is
updated during sending if the
recipient is listed in the address
book, favourites, a group or a
distribution list.
This is an editing window with
all the basic functions of a text
editor so that you can enter a
text which will be sent in the
cover page.
Preview of the
The preview enables you to
see the cover page you are
going to send.