Adding individuals to the phonebook
The procedures outlined in “Creating your Fax Phonebook” are
also used to add names and fax numbers to your phonebook.
Individuals and groups you add are displayed in the Fax
Phonebook Editor window (previously blank). For more
information, refer to the “Using the Fax Phonebook Editor
window” and “Creating your Fax Phonebook” sections of this
Adding groups to the phonebook
The fax utility software defines a group as a collection of selected
individuals which can be added to your Fax Phonebook (similar
to a distribution list). You create a document (follow the
procedure outlined in the “Sending a fax” section in the
“Operation” chapter) and identify the group to which you want
to fax your document. Each individual that belongs to the group
you identified automatically receives your fax.
Use the following procedure to identify individuals as members
of a group. Refer to the “Broadcasting a fax” section of the
“Operation” chapter to send your document to each member of
the group in a single job transaction.
1. Verify that each member of the group has been added to the
2. Select the individual names that comprise your desired group
and click on them.
3. Click on the [Save As Group...] button. This displays the fax
Group Editor window in the Fax Phonebook Editor window.
4. Enter a unique name for this group in the Group Name field.
5. Click on [Add] to add the group to the phonebook.
6. Refer to the “Broadcasting a fax” section of the “Operation”
chapter to broadcast a fax to the individuals within the
Broadcasting a fax
If you choose a group name as your fax destination, the fax
utility automatically broadcasts the fax to every member of the
group. This means you follow the “Sending a fax” procedure
once, rather than as many times as you have individual
destinations. These multiple fax jobs are placed in the Print
Monitor queue and are sent sequentially to the local (sending)
fax printer and then to the receiving fax machine.
Background printing must be set to ON, and you must be
running System 7 or MultiFinder with System 6 to activate
background printing.