Xerox 4500 PS TR
IPX/SPX Configuration
Remember to set “IPX/SPX enabled” to YES.
Use the space bar to toggle through the options
<PrintServer> Configure IPX/SPX 0xx.xxx
Frames:1) 802.2:YES 2) SNAP: YES
A) NCP mode........................:
B) NCP preferred Server......:
C) NCP preferred DStree.....:
D) NCP DSname context.....:
E) EPS mode........................:
F) EPS PrintServer..............:
G) EPS FileServer................:
H) EPS Bindery Poll Tim.....:
I) EPS Password.................:
X) Save and Return Z) Return without saving
Bindery Poll Time
If version 4.x (DS) is selected as NCP mode, the entry “Bindery Poll Time”
will NOT appear in the test printout. It will, however, be maintained as an
entry in Telnet, regardless of NCP mode.
EPS Password
This password must be a match of the NetWare PServer password.
When printing you should check the connection to the PServer viewing
the NetWare menu “Active Connections”.
ida 802.2 Configuration
<PrintServer> Configure ida 802.2 0xx.xxx
A) Alias Name....................:
X) Save and Return Z) Return without saving
Enter Selection: