E011 The remote machine is
busy. The WorkCentre used
all of its redial attempts.
Use a handset to check the
remote machine. Retry the
operation at a later time.
E012 The WorkCentre received
an illegal disconnect signal
from the remote machine.
There could be a problem
with the remote machine.
Check the WorkCentre with
a known good machine.
E013 The WorkCentre received
an unexpected signal or
illegal command from the
remote machine. There
could be a problem with the
remote machine.
Check the WorkCentre with
a known good machine.
E014 While transmitting, the
WorkCentre received a
Memory Full or Out of
Paper signal. The page was
not completely received, or
a page was received with
an unacceptable number of
errors. There could be
telephone line noise or line
Check the remote machine
and the telephone line.
Reduce the transmission
speed and try again.
Code Meanin