5632 / 5638 / 5645 / 5655 / 5665 / 5675 / 5687 EVALUATOR GUIDE
Device —
• Audit log — tracks printing, scanning and network fax activities by user, time and date
• Restrict job detail display — hides job names when nonauthenticated users view job
• Secure Access Unified ID System
— magnetic card-based access eases authentication
and access to device features
• User Authentication — restricts access to device features and management settings by
validating user names and passwords, with SMB, LDAP, LDAP+SSL, and Kerberos
Hard Drive —
• Encrypted disk drive — applies 128-bit encryption to data stored on the MFP hard drive
• Image overwrite — electronically “shreds” data stored on the MFP hard drive using an
algorithm specified by U.S. Department of Defense Directive 5200.28-M
Network —
• Digitally signed documents — creates signatures using a variety of methods, including
S/MIME, password encryption and device certificates
• Encrypted email — encrypts email messages sent by the MFP to your email server
• Fax and network isolation — controller architecture separates the network connection and
the fax telephone line to avoid incoming fax-based network attacks
• Firewall — restricts access via IP address filtering, domain filtering and port blocking
• IEEE 802.1x protocol — ensures devices connected to the network are properly authenticated
• IPSec — encrypts print jobs sent to the MFP utilizing IPSec
• IPv6 support — built-in support for networks utilizing the IPv6 standard
• Secure data protocols — secures network communications with industry standards
including HTTPS (SSL), SNMP v3.0, and IPSec
Xerox has a proven track record of participation and compliance with emerging government security
standards and third-party testing and certification. The prime example of the Xerox commitment is
our participation in the Common Criteria Certification process: Xerox submits its products, along
with highly structured statements of the product’s information security capabilities, for validation by
an independent, government-sponsored laboratory. Certification is a costly, rigorous, time-consuming
process. The WorkCentre 5600 series will be submitted for certification shortly after public avail-
ability. Check the Xerox security pages (www.xerox.com/security) for more up-to-date information.
Xerox currently has more MFP products certified than any vendor in the industry.
For more information on Xerox security, visit www.xerox.com/security.