XEROX WorkCentre
Information Assurance Disclosure
Ver. 2.00, March 2011 Page 47 of 50
RFC 1213 - MIB-II for TCP/IP group WorkCentre
Transmission group [
not applicable because the group has not yet been defin
SNMP group [
System Object Resources Table/objects per RFC 1907 [
Additional Capabilities / Application Support WorkCentre
ability to change GET, SET, TRAP PDU community names
values : GET="public", SET="private",
supported = printerV1Alert, printerV2Alert
supported = coldStart, warmStart, authenticationFailure
supported = xcmJobV1AlertNew, xcmJobV2A
lertNew for job monitoring
set trap destination address(es) for any 3rd party Net Mgmt
polling for IETF status objects using any 3rd party Net Mgmt
walking IETF MIB tree structure using any 3rd party Net
app. (e.g. HP OpenView, etc.) / shareware program
New type 2 enumerations from next generation Host
Resources MIB supported
optional, not support because Host Resources MIBv2 has NOT entered
the standards track
New type 2 enumerations fro
m next generation Printer MIB
New Printer MIBv2 objects implemented
optional, not support because Printer MIBv2 has NOT entered the
standards track
IETF AppleTalk MIB (RFC ?) implemented
specific MIBs implemented
supported = Network Connectivity, Job Monitoring, Scan
Scan-to-LAN FAX features supported via Xerox MIBs
specific MIBs provided to customer
supported w/ caveat = planned support within
site, URL = www.xerox.com
specific client application(s) provided
required Windows2000 MIB objects supported
Embedded Web Server support
Xerox PrinterMap application support
Xerox PrintXchange support
Novell Distributed Print Services support
supported = w/ Xerox NDPS Gateway solution w/ improved device status
Dazel Output Management Environment