
Services and Features
Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre/WorkCentre Pro 123/128/133 Quick Reference Guide 29
Fax/Internet Fax
Allows you to fax documents in various ways. For example, you can send documents
in a reduced or enlarged format, or specify destinations using the Address Book or
speed dialing features. Internet Fax allows you to send and receive faxes over the
Internet or intranet. Internet Fax provides reduced cost of transmissions compared to
the use of a conventional phone line. After scanning documents, you can send scanned
data by e-mail, and can also receive scanned data in an e-mail attachment sent from
an Internet Fax compatible machine. For more information, refer to the Fax/Internet
FaxUser Guide .
Network Scanning
Allows you to scan documents and store them as electronic documents on a file server
on the network by selecting a job template which has various assigned parameters.
You can retrieve the stored electronic documents by accessing the file server from a
PC. For more information, refer to Job Templates - Network Scanning in the Scan/E-
mail chapter and Services in the CentreWare Internet Services chapter on User Guide.
Scan to Mailbox
Enables the confidential mailbox or polling feature by storing the scanned documents
to private mailboxes. For more information, refer to Save in: - Scan to Mailbox in the
Scan/E-mail chapter on User Guide.
Scan to FTP/SMB
Allows you to scan and store documents to specified destinations using the FTP or
SMB protocol. For more information, refer to Save in: - Scan to FTP/SMB in the Scan/
E-mail chapter on User Guide.
Check Mailbox
Allows you to confirm, print, or delete the documents in a mailbox. It also allows you to
change or release linkage with a job flow sheet and execute the linked job flow sheets.
For more information, refer to the Check Mailbox chapter on User Guide.
Stored Programming
Allows you to store programming for a job to a job number using the Stored
Programming feature. For more information, refer to the Stored Programming chapter
on User Guide.
Setup Menu
Allows you to set or change the following features from this screen: Mailbox, Stored
Programming, Job Flow Sheets, Address Book, Group Send, Comment, and Paper
Type. For more information, refer to the Setups chapter and the Stored Programming
chapter on User Guide.