DocuSP color management
Color Management Guide 2-5
CMYK Native path
Color management is performed within the application using
DocuSP output color ICC profiles to create jobs composed with
the DocuSP print engine CMYK color profile. These jobs are sent
directly to the RIP with no color transformations, assuming you
have not programmed any color adjustments.
Documents destined for this path MUST be designed using the
appropriate CMYK color space for the DocuSP destination print
engine. This is usually achieved by using the CMYK destination
profile for the destination media/engine combination.
Benefits of using this path include:
• Fastest RIP performance of any of the paths
• Color will be consistent throughout, since the job is created
and submitted expressly for the specific print engine
Fast Reprint path
Fast Reprint jobs, accessed through Reprint Manager, are saved
using “Print and Save” or “Save” commands when processing
the job. Fast Reprint jobs do not require re-RIPping. Color
management properties are set prior to saving the job.
The only color change that can be applied to a job on the Fast
Reprint path is a User TRC.
Benefits of using this path include:
• No need to re-submit jobs
• Fast print times (achieving engine-rated speed) since the RIP
is bypassed on reprint
• No need to reset Color Management properties
NOTE: Calibration TRCs and User TRCs may be applied to
the reprint job, since TRC processing is done in the
An incoming job is scanned by the controller and, if the job
contains PANTONE® calls, the PANTONE® path is invoked. The
job’s color information is processed using a pair of Look Up
Tables (one for Coated and one for Uncoated) and then passes
directly to the printer output, bypassing all other color processing
except for User TRCs.