Common Settings
System Administration
Default Language
You can select the language displayed on the machine.
The factory default value is [English].
There are two ways of selecting the language: one is from the System Administration
mode, and the other is for ordinary users to use.
Process from System Administration mode:
This sets the standard language when the machine is turned on, and it is maintained
when the machine is turned off and on again. See the three steps at the bottom of
this page for the details of this procedure.
Process for ordinary users:
The language that was set by the user in [Language] in the [Menu] screen is lost
when the machine is turned off.
This section describes the procedure to set the default language from System
Administration mode.
1 Select [Default Language].
2 Select the language.
English (English)
Francais (French)
Italiano (Italian)
Deutsch (German)
Espanol (Spanish)
Portugues (Portuguese)
3 Select [Save].
Scan Start Mode
You can select whether to start scanning automatically or by pressing the <Start>
button after an original has been loaded.
The factory default value is [Auto Start].
1 Select [Scan Start Mode].
2 Select [Auto Start] or [Manual Start].
Auto Start
Starts scanning automatically after an original
has been loaded.
Manual Start
Press the <Start> button after an original has
been loaded.