Customer Support Page 25
PostScript Fonts
The following PostScript fonts are resident with Adobe interpreter.
Font Name PostScript Font Name
Albertus /AlbertusMT
Albertus Italic /AlbertusMT-Italic
Albertus Light /AlbertusMT-Light
Antique Olive Roman /AntiqueOlive-Roman
Antique Olive Italic /AntiqueOlive-Italic
Antique Olive Bold /AntiqueOlive-Bold
Antique Olive Compact /AntiqueOlive-Compact
Apple Chancery /Apple-Chancery
Arial /ArialMT
Arial Italic /Arial-ItalicMT
Arial Bold /Arial-BoldMT
Arial Bold Italic /Arial-BoldItalicMT
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book /AvantGarde-Book
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Book Oblique /AvantGarde-BookOblique
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi /AvantGarde-Demi
ITC Avant Garde Gothic Demi Oblique /AvantGarde-DemiOblique
Bodoni Roman /Bodoni
Bodoni Italic /Bodoni-Italic
Bodoni Bold /Bodoni-Bold
Bodoni Bold Italic /Bodoni-BoldItalic
Bodoni Poster /Bodoni-Poster
Bodoni Poster Compressed /Bodoni-PosterCompressed
ITC Bookman Light /Bookman-Light
ITC Bookman Light Italic /Bookman-LightItalic
ITC Bookman Demi /Bookman-Demi
ITC Bookman Demi Italic /Bookman-DemiItalic
Carta /Carta
Chicago /Chicago
Clarendon Roman /Clarendon
Clarendon Bold /Clarendon-Bold
Clarendon Light /Clarendon-Light
Cooper Black /CooperBlack
Cooper Black Italic /CooperBlack-Italic
Copperplate Gothic 32BC /Copperplate-ThirtyTwoBC
Copperplate Gothic 33BC /Copperplate-ThirtyThreeBC
Coronet /Coronet-Regular
Courier /Courier
Courier Oblique /Courier-Oblique
Courier Bold /Courier-Bold
Courier Bold Oblique /Courier-BoldOblique
Eurostile Medium /Eurostile
Eurostile Bold /Eurostile-Bold
Eurostile Extended No. 2 /Eurostile-ExtendedTwo
Eurostile Bold Extended No. 2 /Eurostile-BoldExtendedTwo
Geneva /Geneva