Scanning and Faxing
WorkCentre 7425/7428/7435
System Administrator Guide
Acceptable SMTP Mail Address Formats
If POP3 has been selected as the Mail Receiving Protocol
Specify a POP user name to an account name (the left side of the @), and a POP3 receiving mail server
to an address (the right side of the @). A user can decide an alias such as mymail@example.com.
Example: mymail@mb1.abc.example.com
Account name : mymail
Set the protocol for receiving E-mail.
1. From the Connectivity & Network Setup list, select Other Settings.
2. Select Protocol to Receive E-mail and then select Change Settings.
3. Select either SMTP or POP3 as appropriate for your environment.
4. Select Save and then press Close.
Received Mail Destination Services Description
BOX***@Host name.Domain name Fax
(*** = Mailbox number)
• If a Mailbox number that is not setup is
specified, it is a receive error.
• If a Mailbox number out of range is specified, it
is printed.
• Password for Mailbox needs to be set to No (no
• Machine will ignore the case in the text string
• For ***, the mailbox number setup on a receiver
machine is specified in three digits. The scope
of specification is 001 to 200.
• As the mailbox number is embedded in a part
of a mail address, input just normal destination
as usual.
“AX=###@ Host name.Domain name” Store to Folder
( ### means FAX number at transfer destination)
• If judged as syntax error, it is printed.
Any local part other than the above@ Store to Folder
Host name.domain name
• The local part means the left text string of @ in
a mail address.