
Windows NT 4.x
Phaser® 8400 Color Printer
3. Select the *.INF file, then click Open. Verify that the path and filename are correct, then
click OK.
4. Select the correct printer, then click OK.
5. Enter a name for the printer, select whether you want that printer to be the default, then
click OK.
6. Select one of these options:
If the printer is not shared, click Next.
If the printer is shared, enter a Share Name, check the Share box, then click Next.
Printing a Test Page
You are prompted to print a test page.
1. Select one of these options:
Click Yes to print a test page, then click Next.
Click No if you do not want to print a test page, then click Next.
2. Select one of these options:
Click the Finish button if the data presented is correct. Proceed to step 3.
Click the Back button to correct the data if incorrect, then click Finish when the data
is correct. Proceed to Step 3.
3. If you printed a test page, you are prompted to confirm that the test page printed:
Click Yes if the test page printed successfully.
Click No if the test page did not print or printed incorrectly. Proceed to step 4.
4. Note the print-quality of the print job. If print-quality problems exist or if the job does not
print, go to Reference/Troubleshooting on the User Documentation CD-ROM.
Xerox TCP/IP Port Monitor
The Windows installer installs the Xerox TCP/IP Port Monitor for those installations using the
PCL5c driver. The Xerox TCP/IP Port Monitor is used to add or remove TCP/IP ports.
Adding the TCP/IP Printer Port
1. Open Printer Properties for the printer you would like to attach to the new TCP/IP port.
2. Click Start, click Settings, then click Printers.
3. Right-click the printer to be attached to the new TCP/IP port, then select Properties.
4. Select the Ports tab, then click the Add Port button.
5. Select Other.
6. From the list of available printer-port monitors, select the Xerox TCP/IP Port, then click