Xerox 4500 PS TR
3.3.4 Main menu - Where do I start with PSinst32?
When you have installed the program, you will be met with the Main
menu. The main menu has two overall sub-category forms:
- Hardware PS Property Form
From here you enable the protocol(s) of your choice and subsequently
make the necessary configuration entries.
- “Monitor” Property Form
When you have selected a DLC download port (LAN), this menu will list
all the devices attached to the LAN.
You start your configuration in the Hardware PS Property Form, filling in
the basic information such as name and system location needed to
identify you as a user. Then proceed to the next section in this manual.
Main Window
Names and
system location
entered by user
Hardware PS
From this menu you will be able to
configure your PrintServer.
If you have selected LAN download
(see section 3.3.7), the “Monitor” form
will show all discovered devices by
MAC address and Name.
“Enable” before
configuration can
take place.
Tick this entry if you wish to boot the
PrintServer after download