Installation Requirements
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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5. Installation Requirements
This chapter gives a short description of the requirements for the installation
of the Xerox FS 5250.
When you have made certain that all the components have been included
and you have carried out the pre-installation tasks (see below) according to
your needs and requirements, you are ready for operation.
5.1. Pre-Installation Requirements
Prior to installation and connection you must first make sure that you have:
1. Set the desired national language - do this via the line (using function Y8).
2. Checked the paper size (EU / US) settings.
From the factory, the controller will come with the correct language
settings. Therefore, you will normally not have to alter any original
5.1.1 National Language
Via the Line
National language can be set via the line in function Y8.
To change the language in Y8, you will have to send the command below to
the Xerox FS 5250. You can do this either in a file you transmit to the printer
or by entering the command on your screen and make a local copy (print
%Y8,<number of new language>%
In function Y8 you can select the following languages:
Option Description
37 English (US) EBCDIC
256 International
273 Austrian/German
274 Belgian