Use the supplied RS232 cable to make the console connection directly
from a PC COM port. The pin assignments of the connection are:
Switch DTE console port 9-pin PC COM port
Pin2 RXD -------------------------------- 3
3 TXD -------------------------------- 2
4 DTR -------------------------------- 6
5 GND -------------------------------- 5
6 DSR -------------------------------- 4
The console port does not support modem connection.
5.5 Web Management
Use any web browser with JAVA script support like Netscape Communi-
cator 4.x or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later on any platform. Con-
nect to the managed unit using the IP address as URL address.
Refer to Chapter 7 for more information.
5.6 Telnet Management
Use Telnet software to perform the management operation. The most
convenient solution is using the built-in Telnet function in a Windows
95/98/ or NT PC. Enter into DOS window and invoke telnet command :
>telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
to connect to the managed switch. The specified xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP
address of the managed switch. Refer to Chapter 6 for more information.