Programming the Xerox LS 3270
Xerox LS 3270
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Y74 Printer Symbol Set Definition Strings
Y75 Overwrite Translate Table
Y77 Reset APL Translate Table
Y78 Select APL Translate Table
Y79 ida 820 AFP Font Offset
Y80 Overwrite APL Translate Table
Y88 Margin Definition
Y89 Enable Margin Definition
Y90 Define User Escape String
Y91 Font Definiti on
Y92 Font Point Size Definition Strings
Y93 Font Attribute Definition
Y94 Font Typeface Definition
Y96 Font Change Simulation
Y98 Automatic Page Orientation
Y100 Port Sharing Option
Y110 idaAFP Orientation Support
Y111 idaAFP Duplex Support
Y112 idaAFP PCL5 Font Support
Y113 idaAFP Early Print Complete
Y114 idaAFP Colour Support
Y115 idaAFP Miscellaneous
Y119 Autoconfiguration Select
Y120 Print Test Page at power on
ESC Features:
%% Special transparent feature (Multiple paired Hex
e.g.: %%1B45%
where % is the defined ESC character.
% Special transparent feature (Single paired Hex
where % is the defined ESC character.
Send Logo:
L Send logo (Logo is defined in Y63).