Output Color Specify whether to print in color or black.
RBG Color Correction Specify the coloration of the RBG Color Correction.
Normal: This setting is optimized for printing documents that
contain text and graphics, such as business documents.
Photo: This setting is optimized for printing photos or images with
gradations. Select this setting when printing images in RBG.
Web Pages: This setting is optimized for printing web pages.
Presentation: This setting is optimized for printing the color
documents vividly, such as presentation documents.
RBG Gamma Correction Specify the brightness of the documents. The higher the value, the
darker the print becomes.
Screen You can adjust the image quality. Select Gradation to print photos
and gradations clearly. Select Fineness to print the colors in
illustrations, tables, or graphs evenly.
Image Enhancement Specify whether to use Image Enhancement.
Selecting On, smooths out the boundaries between black and
white when printing. This reduces jagged edges, thereby
artificially increasing the resolution of the image. When printing an
image (bitmap) composed of coarse halftone dots, smooth color
gradation is impossible in certain situations. In this case, select
NOTE: The Image Enhancement feature is available only when
Print Mode is set to High Speed.
Draft Mode Specify whether to reduce the amount of toner used when printing
drafts. When you select On, the overall printed color becomes
lighter. This is best for printing documents when print quality is not
Gray Guaranteed Select On to print grays and black within documents in black toner
only. This prevents neutral grays from exhibiting any kind of color
shading or misregistration. This feature does not apply to images
of the documents.
NOTE: For documents containing sweeps/gradients that include
gray, it may be preferable to set this feature to Off.