Printer Settings 5-3
Accessing and Changing Printer Settings
In Windows 3.x
You can access printer settings by using any of these methods:
Open the Main Program Group from the Program Manager Window.
Open the Control Panel Program Group. Open the Printers icon.
Access the printing options from the Printers dialog box.
Select the Print Setup... option available from the File menu of most
applications that run in Windows.
Select the Print... option available from the File menu of most
applications that run in Windows, then select Printer in the Print
dialog window, then select Options.
From the Printer Setup window, you can review and change whatever
settings are needed for your print job. The Printer Setup window consists
of three tabs:
Paper/Output Tab - for paper sources and sizes, number of copies, etc.
Image Quality Tab - for image quality
About Tab - for product identification and information