Xerox CopyCentre/WorkCentre 118 Quick Reference Guide 39
Sent Report
Prints a Sent Report which provides information about the last 50 fax transmissions and
e-mail sendings. The detailed information reported for each job includes: the recipient
name, the transmission time, the modes, and the transmission result.
Received Report
Prints a Received Report which provides information about the last 50 faxes received.
The detailed information reported for each job includes: the sender name, the reception
time, the modes, and the result.
Copy Meter
Confirm the account data, such as the account name, the limit set for the account, and
the total number of copies, for each account.
Address Book
Confirm the contents of Address Book. The contents are printed as a list with recipient
names, fax numbers and F Code for fax, as well as e-mail addresses for e-mail, in
numerical order of Speed Dial code.
Fax Program
Prints detailed information for each Fax Program. The list includes the program name,
the setting for each feature, the recipient name, and the Speed Dial code.
System Settings
Confirm the status of settings on this machine. Prints out contents of the serial number,
Auditron details, and Copy/Fax/e-mail settings as a report in list form.
Confirm a list of registered mailboxes. Prints out the box names, F Code, etc. in
numerical order by box number.
Bulletin Board List
Prints out a report as a list of registered bulletin boards. The list shows titles of
registered documents, date and time of document registration, etc., in numerical order
of bulletin board.
F Code Settings
Prints a report detailing information about the F Code receive settings for the mailboxes
registered. The list includes reception information such as the F Code or password, or
information about the forwarding destination.