Dialing Methods
WorkCentre Pro 555/575 4-3
Alpha Dialing
Alpha dialing is used to dial by searching for the first character of the
name in the Speed Dial, One Touch Dial, and Group Phonebooks.
Refer to Chapter 2, “Setting up the Phonebook” to assign Speed Dial
and One Touch numbers or Chapter 5, “Transmitting Documents” to
assign Group numbers.
To dial the remote station using Alpha Dialing:
1. Load the document face down in the Document Support.
2. If desired, set the
3. Press the
key and select for “Alpha dial”.
Enter the first letter at the prompt. Go to step 4.
4. Using the Numeric Keypad, press the number that corresponds
to the first letter of the first name. Press the key repeatedly until
the correct letter displays.
For example:
To search for “Keith Doe Co.”, press:
Jan-31 02:23pm 100%
Auto answer
3.Group dial
2.Alpha dial
1.Speed dial
First letter -
First letter k
Keith Doe Co.