X G C - 1 e X t r e m e G r e e n h o u s e C o n t r o l l e r
The XGC-1e Xtreme greenhouse controller from C.A.P. controls all of the
main devices that are used in today’s modern hydroponic garden. The built-in
Fuzzy Logic
controls your CO
level with unmatched accuracy.
Word To The Wise...
Before attempting to operate the XGC, you should at least take the time to
look at the Example Connection diagram on page 2 and read the “Start-
up Procedure on page 3 of this manual. To get the most out of the XGC-
1e, familiarize yourself with this manual. It contains many useful hints,
examples and a troubleshooting guide.
imporTanT sTuff To remember
The XGC is designed to operate from a 120vac, 15-amp power source. It can
safely control up to 15-amps of equipment including up to 1000 watts of HID
lights. If required, additional lights and larger equipment can be connected
to the XGC-1e by using our HPR, MLCs or UPM “Universal Power Modules”.
In addition to lights, the XGC also maintains the temperature and humidity by
controlling your exhaust fan(s). CO
levels can be controlled with the built-
in timers, which are coordinated with your exhaust fans and function only
when the lights are ON.
proTecTion & safeTy
The XGC is overload protected a main 15-amp fuse. Do not exceed the
maximum rating of the XGC-1e.
IMPORTANT: Replace blown fuses with fuses of the same rating ONLY!
Note: A surge suppressor / power strip is always recommended when
operating electrical equipment such as the XGC.
The XGC is protected by our 3-year limited warranty. All components are
warranted by R & M Supply against defects in workmanship and materials under normal use for 3-years from the date of purchase. The XGC
is 100% maintenance-free and does not require service.
insTallaTion / sTarT-up
There are a few requirements for a successful installation and start-up.
1) The XGC must be mounted in a vertical position. Mounting feet are included to allow you to secure the unit to a wall.
2) The XGC requires “free air movement” to maintain temperature and humidity accuracy. The top and bottom of the enclosure has
ventilation slots to provide airflow through the unit however, we greatly recommended using an oscillating fan in the growing area to
provide fresh air for the internal humidity sensor and provide adequate ventilation for the internal electrical components.
3) A dedicated 120 VAC, 15-amp power supply is recommended. A ground wire (3-wire outlet) must be used. Do not use 2-wire adapters or
cords to operate the XGC.
4) The XGC must be protected from water. Do not mount the unit where it can be exposed directly to water.
5) Read the rest of the manual!!! It has been designed to take you through step-by-step to make start-up a breeze.