
Thank you for purchasing the Yamaha DG100-212 Guitar Amplifier.
The DG100-212 Digital Guitar Amp was initially conceived and entirely developed by
Yamaha. This digital guitar amp delivers powerful tube amp sounds and offers superior
stability compared to other tube amplifiers. With eight different amp type settings from
which to choose, the DG100-212 allows you to create a wide variety of original sounds.
A total of 128 sound settings can be stored in its internal memory and freely recalled using
the panel buttons or a MIDI foot controller. Also, the DG100-212 is equipped with on-
board digital reverb and digital tape echo which can be utilized to add sonic color to your
tonal creations. Sound is output through two 30 centimeter Celestion “Vintage 30” speak-
ers. A speaker simulator adds realistic speaker simulation to the line out signal.
Its high level of quality and easy to use controls will enable you to create a wide variety of
tonal colors. To get the best results and longest life out of your DG100-212, we recommend
that you carefully read this manual, and keep it in a safe place for future reference.