
English Chapter 14: Internal XG Tone Generator Voice & Drum Kit List
Voice # Display Name Full Name
065 SprnoSax Soprano Sax
066 Alto Sax Alto Sax
067 TenorSax Tenor Sax
068 BariSax Baritone Sax
069 Oboe Oboe
070 Eng.Horn English Horn
071 Bassoon Bassoon
072 Clarinet Clarinet
073 Piccolo Piccolo
074 Flute Flute
075 Recorder Recorder
076 PanFlute Pan Flute
077 Bottle Bottle Blow
078 Shakhchi Shakuhachi
079 Whistle Whistle
080 Ocarina Ocarina
Synth Lead
081 SquareLd Lead 1 (square)
082 Saw.Lead Lead 2 (saw tooth)
083 CaliopLd Lead 3 (calliope)
084 Chiff Ld Lead 4 (chiff)
085 ChranLd Lead 5 (charang)
086 Voice Ld Lead 6 (voice)
087 Fifth Ld Lead 7 (fifths)
088 Bass &Ld Lead 8 (bass+lead)
Synth Pad
089 NewAgePd Pad 1 (new age)
090 Warm Pad Pad 2 (warm)
091 PolySyPd Pad 3 (polysynth)
092 ChoirPad Pad 4 (choir)
093 BowedPad Pad 5 (bowed)
094 MetalPad Pad 6 (metallic)
095 Halo Pad Pad 7 (halo)
096 SweepPad Pad 8 (sweep)
Voice # Display Name Full Name
Synth Effect
097 Rain SFX 1 (rain)
098 SoundTrk SFX 2 (soundtrack)
099 Crystal SFX 3 (crystal)
100 Atmosphr SFX 4 (atmosphere)
101 Bright SFX 5 (brightness)
102 Goblin SFX 6 (goblins)
103 Echoes SFX 7 (echoes)
104 Sci-Fi SFX 8 (sci-fi)
105 Sitar Sitar
106 Banjo Banjo
107 Shamisen Shamisen
108 Koto Koto
109 Kalimba Kalimba
110 Bagpipe Bag pipe
111 Fiddle Fiddle
112 Shanai Shanai
113 TnklBell Tinkle Bell
114 Agogo Agogo
115 SteelDrm Steel Drums
116WoodBlok Woodblock
117TaikoDrm Taiko Drum
118 MelodTom Melodic Tom
119 Syn.Drum Synth Drum
120 RevCymbl Reverse Cymbal
Sound Effects
121 FretNoiz Guitar Fret Noise
122 BrthNoiz Breath Noise
123 Seashore Seashore
124 Tweet Bird Tweet
125 Telphone Telephone Ring
126 Helicptr Helicopter
127 Applause Applause
128 Gunshot Gun Shot
Internal XG Tone Generator Drum Kit List
Kit # Display Name Full Name
001 StandKit Standard Kit
002 Stnd2Kit Standard Kit #2
009 Room Kit Room Kit
017 Rock Kit Rock Kit
025 ElectKit Electronic Kit
026 AnalgKit Analog Kit
Kit # Display Name Full Name
033 Jazz Kit Jazz Kit
041 BrushKit Brush Kit
049 ClascKit Classic Kit
001 SFX Kit 1 SFX Kit1
002 SFX Kit 2 SFX Kit2
See “XG Drum Voice List” on page 15 in the
Appendix section in the Advanced Operation
Manual for a full listing of drum voices.