2.5 System Data Bulk Dump
0 11110000 F0
1 01000011 43
2 00000000 00 = Device Number (fixed)
3 01111010 7A
4 0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb = Byte Count
5 0bbbbbbb bbbbbbb
6 01001100 4C(ascii"L")
7 01001101 4D(ascii"M")
8 00100000 20(ascii" ")
9 00100000 20(ascii" ")
10 00110000 30(ascii"0")
11 00110010 32(ascii"2")
12 00110101 35(ascii"5")
13 00110110 36(ascii"6")
14 01010011 53(ascii"S")
15 01011001 59(ascii"Y")
16 00000000 00
↓↓ ↓
31 00000000 00
32 0ddddddd ddddddd = Data
0sssssss sssssss = Check Sum
11110111 F7
* See table 2 for more information on the system data format.
2.6 System Data Dump Request
0 11110000 F0
1 01000011 43
2 00100000 20 = Device Number (fixed)
3 01111010 7A
4 01001100 4C(ascii"L")
5 01001101 4D(ascii"M")
6 00100000 20(ascii" ")
7 00100000 20(ascii" ")
8 00110000 30(ascii"0")
9 00110010 32(ascii"2")
10 00110101 35(ascii"5")
11 00110110 36(ascii"6")
12 01010011 53(ascii"S")
13 01011001 59(ascii"Y")
14 00000000 00
↓↓ ↓
29 00000000 00
30 11110111 F7
* When received, the system data bulk will be transmitted.
3. Parameter Change
Can be received when in the Play Mode only.
Parameter change’s to the currently selected memory are
stored in the edit buffer, if the data is to be saved, it is neces-
sary to execute a write operation, or receive a single memory
data bulk.
Internal parameters are all 8 bit data, the 7th bit is assigned as
the 1st bit of the MSB (byte), MSB and LSB are always
separated into 2 bytes and transmitted and received in order.
0 11110000 F0
1 01000011 43
2 00010000 10 = Device Number (fixed)
3 01010110 56 = Model ID
4 000000gg gg = Parameter Group
5 000ppppp ppppp = Parameter Number
6 0000000d d = MSbit of actual data
7 0ddddddd ddddddd = 7bit data
8 11110111 F7
* Parameter Group = 0 Edit Buffer
1 2nd Memory for Split Function
2 Hold Memory for Hold Function
3 System
For more information on Parameter Number and Data
Range, see < Table 1 > and < Table 2 >.
MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI