
Chorus 1, 2 (CH1, CH2)
Two chorus effects are provided: Chorus 1 fea-
tures both pitch and volume modulation for an
animated sound, while Chorus 2 provides a richer,
more spacious effect.
SPEEDRange: 0.03 ~ 6.18 Hz
Determines the speed of the pitch modulation.
(controlled with the center knob) —
Range: –3 ~ +6 dB
This functions as a tone control, for adjusting
the brightness of the chorus sound.
DEPTHRange: 0 ~ 100%
Determines the depth of the pitch modulation,
or how widely the pitch is varied.
Sub parameters:
EFFECT MIX (MIX)Range: 0 ~ 100%
Determines the level of the processed signals.
A setting of 0% results in no effect output.
Use this control with the Dry Level (DRY)
parameter below to determine the balance
between the effect and dry (direct) sound.
AMD (Chorus 1 only)Range: 0 ~ 100%
AMD (Amplitude Modulation Depth) varies the
volume instead of the pitch, creating a tremolo
effect along with the chorus.
DRY LEVEL (DRY)Range: 0 ~ 100%
Determines the level of the dry (direct) sound.
A setting of 0% results in no direct sound
output. Use this control with the Effect Mix
(MIX) parameter above to determine the bal-
ance between the effect and dry sound.
Pitch Shift (P.L, P.R, P.S)
Pitch Shift lets you change the pitch of the sound,
up to an octave above or below normal pitch.
Since the amount of pitch shift can be set inde-
pendently for the left and right channels, three
separate pitches (including the original direct
signal) can be heard. One application for this
would be to create a natural yet complex chorus
effect in which the left and right pitches are
detuned slightly relative to the direct sound. Other
applications include setting the pitch shift to an
octave below or above (to make a six-string guitar
sound like a twelve-string), or setting the pitch to
other intervals (such as a fourth or fifth) to create
instant harmonies and fill out the sound..
Range: –1200 ~ +1200 cents
Determines the amount of pitch shift for the left
channel, up to one octave above or below the
input pitch. Fine pitch shift values can be set in
5-cent steps up to +/–200 cents; 100 cents is
equivalent to a half step or semitone.
Range: –1200 ~ +1200 cents
Determines the amount of pitch shift for the
right channel, up to one octave above or below
the input pitch.
EFFECT MIX (MIX)Range: 0 ~ 100%
Determines the level of the processed signals.
A setting of 0% results in no effect output. Use
this control with the Dry Level (DRY) param-
eter below to determine the balance between the
effect and dry sound.
Sub parameters:
Range: 0.1 ~ 10 ms
Determines the time that the left pitch-shifted
signal is delayed.