
116 Internal Effects
02R User’s Guide
Program 13 — REV SN.ROOM
This is a reverb variation to enhance the sound of a snare drum.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Rev.Time 1.3s
Same as program 1 Same as program 1
Hi.Ratio 0.9
Diff. 8
Ini.Dly 26.0ms
Density 1
LPF 10.0KHz
HPF 180Hz
Rev.Dly 4.0ms
Rev.Bal 90%
Program 14 — REV SN.PLATE
This is also for snare drums, similar to program 13.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Rev.Time 1.7s
Same as program 1 Same as program 1
Hi.Ratio 0.9
Diff. 2
Ini.Dly 20.0ms
Density 1
LPF 11.0KHz
HPF 140Hz
Rev.Dly 6.0ms
Rev.Bal 90%
Program 15 — CHORUS–>REVERB
Stereo chorus followed by reverb. This program will change a dry sound into a warm sound with spread. Use the
reverb Depth parameter to adjust the amount of reverberation.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Freq. 4.5Hz 0.1–40.0Hz Modulation frequency.
Depth 14% 0–100% Modulation depth. The amount of modulation.
Mod.Dly 7.3ms 0.0–255.0ms Modulation delay. The delay time before modulation begins.
Rev.Time 1.7s 0.3–30.0s Reverb time.
Hi.Ratio 0.8 0.1–1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
Diff. 8 0–10 Reverb diffusion.
Ini.Dly 30.0ms 0.1–200.0ms Initial delay between the direct sound and early reflections.
LPF 12.0KHz 1.0kHz–THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF 40Hz THRU–8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Depth 60% 0–100% Reverb depth. The amount of reverb.