Table of Contents
Getting Started 1
Items Supplied with the Disklavier ........................1
Names of Parts and Their Functions .....................1
Setting Up the Disklavier...................................11
Preparing the Pocket Controller .........................15
Initial Settings of the Pocket Controller ................16
Basic Precautions for Using Floppy Disks
and CDs ....................................................19
Available File Format and Structure of Data
in the Removable Media ..............................20
Song Playback Features 22
Changing the Playback Tempo..........................22
Playing Back Songs in a Different Key
(Transposition) ............................................22
Repeating Song Playback .................................23
Repeating a Specific Section of a Song
(A-B Repeat) ...............................................23
Playing Back Only the Desired Piano Part ...........24
Adjusting the Volume Balance among the Keyboard
Playing, Ensemble Sound, Software Playback,
and Microphone’s Input ...............................25
Utilizing the Play Lists .......................................25
Temporarily Changing the Voice of a Track ........26
Editing Tracks..................................................28
Checking and Modifying the Song Information....31
Presetting Playback Control Options
for Each Song.............................................34
SmartKey™ Playback .......................................35
Adding Disklavier Accompaniment
to Commercial CD Songs (PianoSmart) ..........36
Video Synchronized Playback ...........................36
Piano Playing Features 37
Playing the Disklavier along with the Internal
Metronome................................................ 37
Playing the Disklavier Accompanied
by the Additional Voice(s)
(Performance Mode) ................................... 37
Adding Expressive Effect to Your Play................ 38
Adding Chords to a Melody Line
(Harmony Mode)........................................ 39
Applying Reverb Effects to the Digital Piano ....... 40
Recording 41
Recording a New Song ................................... 41
Quick Recording............................................. 42
Titling a Song at the Start of Recording.............. 42
Recording the Left- and Right-Hand Parts
Separately (Overwrite Recording)................. 42
Video Synchronized Recording......................... 43
CD Synchronized Recording ............................ 45
Recording Ensemble Parts ................................ 45
Overdubbing an Existing Part........................... 47
Recording Songs Based on Measures
and Beats (Metronome Mode Recording) ...... 48
Quantize Function........................................... 49
Changing the Default Tempo............................ 50