
Sound is choppy and intermittent.
Has the maximum polyphony been exceeded? (Page 18)
Only one note sounds at a time.
Has the Mono/Poly parameter been set to “mono”? (Pages 61 and 71)
No effects are applied.
Has the V EfBypass (Voice Effect Bypass) been set to off? (Page 92)
In the case of a Multi, has Var Send in Part Edit been set to off or a value too close to 0? (Page 67)
Has the effect type been set to something other than “Thru” or “No Effect” ? (Pages 56 and 57)
In the case of a Multi, have the Insertion Effect Parts been specified? (Page 67)
Edits related to Scale Sensitivity, Velocity Sensitivity and Scale (of Pan
setting parameter) made to the Voice have no effect.
Depending on the selected Voice or the settings of related parameters, changes to these parameters may have little or no
audible effect.
Cannot find the Drum Voice.
Drum Voices are selected differently than Normal Voices. (Page 34)
Edits made to the Drum Voice have no effect.
Has the Part Mode parameter been set correctly? (Page 61)
Editing can’t be done.
Has the Category Search function been turned on? If Category Search is active, the Edit Mode can’t be enabled.
(Page 35)
Have you selected a Wave (001 - 029) whose parameter settings are fixed? (Page 73)
Is the Utility mode or MIDI mode active?
For the Voice mode, are you attempting to edit? Remember that Chorus and Reverb effect settings are fixed for the
Voices and cannot be changed. (Page 54)