Sound is choppy and intermittent.
● Has the maximum polyphony been exceeded? (Page 18)
Only one note sounds at a time.
● Has the Mono/Poly parameter been set to “mono”? (Pages 61 and 71)
No effects are applied.
● Has the V EfBypass (Voice Effect Bypass) been set to off? (Page 92)
● In the case of a Multi, has Var Send in Part Edit been set to off or a value too close to 0? (Page 67)
● Has the effect type been set to something other than “Thru” or “No Effect” ? (Pages 56 and 57)
● In the case of a Multi, have the Insertion Effect Parts been specified? (Page 67)
Edits related to Scale Sensitivity, Velocity Sensitivity and Scale (of Pan
setting parameter) made to the Voice have no effect.
● Depending on the selected Voice or the settings of related parameters, changes to these parameters may have little or no
audible effect.
Cannot find the Drum Voice.
● Drum Voices are selected differently than Normal Voices. (Page 34)
Edits made to the Drum Voice have no effect.
● Has the Part Mode parameter been set correctly? (Page 61)
Editing can’t be done.
● Has the Category Search function been turned on? If Category Search is active, the Edit Mode can’t be enabled.
(Page 35)
● Have you selected a Wave (001 - 029) whose parameter settings are fixed? (Page 73)
● Is the Utility mode or MIDI mode active?
● For the Voice mode, are you attempting to edit? Remember that Chorus and Reverb effect settings are fixed for the
Voices and cannot be changed. (Page 54)