
DevNo. (Device Number)
Settings: 001 016, all
The Device Number parameter must be set prop-
erly when you want to transmit or receive MIDI
system exclusive data to or from another VL70-m
or other MIDI device (system exclusive data
includes voice parameters, system setup param-
eters, etc). The VL70-m Device number must be
set to the same number as the Device Number of
the external device. Select a device number from
“001” to “016”, or “all”. When “all” is selected,
MIDI system exclusive data can be received on all
device numbers, but transmission occurs via device
number 001.
(Bank Number)
Settings: Pr1, Pr2, Cst, Int
Selects the VL70-m PRESET 1 (Pr1), PRESET 2
(Pr2), CUSTOM (Cst), or INTERNAL (Int) voice
bank (see “Voice Organization” on page 26).
(Program Number)
Settings: 001 128
Selects the voice to played on the VL70-m. The
PRESET 1 and PRESET 2 banks each have voice
numbers from “001” to “128”, while the INTER-
NAL bank has voice numbers from “001” to
“064”, and the CUSTOM bank has voice numbers
from “001” to “006”.
Settings: 000 127
Sets the volume of the current voice. The higher
the value the louder the volume.
Settings: Rnd, L63 C R63
Sets the pan position of the current voice — i.e.
the position of the voice between left and right in
the stereo sound field. A setting of “L63: sets the
pan position full left, “C” sets the pan at center,
and “R63” sets the pan full right. In between
settings produce corresponding intermediate pan
positions. The “Rnd” setting produces a randomly-
generated pan position.
RevRtn (Reverb Return)
Settings: 000 127
Adjusts the level of the signal returned from the
VL70-m reverb effect stage. The higher the value,
the higher the level of the reverb signal.