Configuration Commands
14177L-003 APL-I Reference Guide 11/24/09
Auto-Transmit 3, Enable
Purpose To enable auto-transmit 3.
Partially Supported Based on testing, this command is partially supported on the Zebra
printer with APL-I firmware with the following differences and outputs:
• Error messages not supported: The
imager overrun, printing
, and buffer empty errors are not transmitted by this command, but
all other error messages are.
Auto-Transmit 1, 2, and 3, Disable
Purpose To disable auto-transmit 1, 2, and 3.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes This command turns off the auto transmit status responses.
Cutter, Enable or Disable
Purpose To enable or disable the cutter option.
Supported Based on testing, this command works the same on the Zebra printer with
APL-I firmware as on the 3400D printer.
Notes With the cutter option installed, this command turns the cutter on or off.
Default Value: n = 0
Values for n:
0 = Turns cutter off
1 = Turns cutter on