Chapter 17 System Settings
P-660H-T1v3s User’s Guide
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
Table 52 Maintenance > System > Time and Date
Current Time
Current Time This field displays the time of your P-660H-T1v3s.
Each time you reload this page, the P-660H-T1v3s synchronizes the
time with the time server.
Current Date This field displays the date of your P-660H-T1v3s.
Each time you reload this page, the P-660H-T1v3s synchronizes the
date with the time server.
Time and Date Setup
Manual Select this radio button to enter the time and date manually. If you
configure a new time and date, Time Zone and Daylight Saving at the
same time, the new time and date you entered has priority and the
Time Zone and Daylight Saving settings do not affect it.
New Time
This field displays the last updated time from the time server or the last
time configured manually.
When you set Time and Date Setup to Manual, enter the new time in
this field and then click Apply.
New Date
This field displays the last updated date from the time server or the last
date configured manually.
When you set Time and Date Setup to Manual, enter the new date in
this field and then click Apply.
Get from Time
Select this radio button to have the P-660H-T1v3s get the time and
date from the time server you specified below.
Time Protocol Select the time service protocol that your time server sends when you
turn on the P-660H-T1v3s. Not all time servers support all protocols, so
you may have to check with your ISP/network administrator or use trial
and error to find a protocol that works.
The main difference between them is the format.
Daytime (RFC 867) format is day/month/year/time zone of the
Time (RFC 868) format displays a 4-byte integer giving the total
number of seconds since 1970/1/1 at 0:0:0.
The default, NTP (RFC 1305), is similar to Time (RFC 868).
Time Server
Enter the IP address or URL (up to 20 extended ASCII characters in
length) of your time server. Check with your ISP/network administrator
if you are unsure of this information.
Time Zone Setup
Time Zone Choose the time zone of your location. This will set the time difference
between your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).