Chapter 1 Introducing the STB
STB-1001S2 User’s Guide
1.2 LEDs
This section describes the LEDs (lights) on the front of the STB.
Figure 2 LEDs
1.3 Rear Panel Connections
This section describes the rear of the STB.
Table 1 LEDs
POWER On Blinking The STB is starting up, or is in standby mode.
Green The STB is on and ready to use.
Off The STB is not receiving power, or has malfunctioned.
LAN On Green The STB has an Ethernet connection to the network on
the LAN port.
Blinking Green The STB has an Ethernet connection to the network on
the LAN port, and is transmitting or receiving data.
Off The STB has no network connection on the LAN port.
REMOTE Blinking Green The Infra-red receiver on the front of the STB is
receiving signals from the remote control.
Off The Infra-red receiver on the front of the STB is not
receiving signals from the remote control.