BA-210SP Bassamp Cube with Digital Effects
The BA-210SP features 15 built-in digital
effects designed especially for the bass.
Use the Effects Select control to choose
one of these effects. The numbers that cir-
cumscribe the control correspond to the
“effects menu” below (and to the chart on
the back of the amplifier). Each effect has a
parameter which can be modified using the
Adjust control. Use the Level control to mix
in the desired amount of effect.
BA115SP DSP Section – top panel
0 BYPASS - no effects n/a
1 CHORUS - deep, timed based, full of movement SPEED
2 FLANGE - the classic whoosh of a good flange SPEED
3 PHASE SHIFTER - a 4-stage multiple-frequency phase shifter SPEED
4 REVERB - adjustable from a tight room to a large hall ROOM SIZE
5 OCTAVIDER - with a twist - smooth or with low growl TONE
6 ECHO - multiple repeat echo DELAY TIME
7 SLAPBACK - single repeat “slap” DELAY TIME
8 FUNK WAH - the “quack” of a good envelope triggered filter THRESHOLD
9 REVERSE WAH - envelope-triggered filter, swept high to low THRESHOLD
10 CHORUS / ECHO / WAH - a “dreamy combination” THRESHOLD
11 OCTAWAH - for when ya wanna get “really funky” THRESHOLD
12 SVT - classic tube warmth, can get mild overdrive fatness GAIN
13 SYNTH BASS 1 - a funky synthesized bass sound THRESHOLD
14 SYNTH BASS 2 - an even funkier synthesized bass sound THRESHOLD
15 SQUARE WAVE - heavily overdriven, smooth to sizzling TONE