Operating Manual - ne24.24M Matrix Processor
5.1 Input Connections
Balanced input signals are connected to the ne24.24M using the included
euroblock connector. A flat blade screwdriver is required to connect a stripped
wire lead to the external connector piece, which is then inserted into the rear
panel Euro Block receptacle. It is important that both (+) and (-) inputs are prop-
erly terminated or signal loss and noise may result. In other words, if an unbal-
anced input signal is used, connect the signal to the (+) input, and connect the
ground wire to both the (-) and ground connection.
5.2 Output Connections
Like the inputs, output connections are made using the included euroblock connector. All outputs are servo bal-
anced, and may be wired balanced or unbalanced. For unbalanced output connections, use (+) and ground and tie (-) to
5.3 Expansion Modules
The ne24.24M base model is expandable by up to 16 additional inputs or outputs, as well as a single module card
used for eight general purpose logic outputs (GPO). Expansion modules of four inputs or four outputs each can be
installed in any expansion slot. Input expansion modules use green euroblock connectors, while output expansion
modules use black connectors. Removable metal plates cover unused expansion slots on the back panel. The optional
Logic Output card (GPO) is used to drive preset controlled relays or another device’s logic control inputs. The GPO
comes with a function and wiring sticker which must be placed on the ne24.24M back panel above the Input/Output slot
where the GPO option is installed. Only one GPO can be installed in a ne24.24M.
5.4 Logic Inputs (Preset Recall)
There are no user controls on the ne24.24M, making it ideal for permanent installations where security is an issue.
There may be times, however, where real time variables require changes in system settings, such as EQ, gain, and delay
settings changing when a room size changes. For these types of changes, the ne24.24M offers the ability to recall up to
eight different presets, or switch other events such as a mic input “push to talk” using contact closures. Contact closures
are nothing more than external, user installed switches that, when closed, recall a previously defined preset which at
once applies changes to the settings of all inputs and outputs. The switches can be anything from a rotary switch on a
control room panel, to automatic door sensors scattered throughout a conference center, to a microphone key switch, etc.
Contact closures allow for flexibility while maintaining a high degree of system security.