Owner’s Manual
4x1 Mic/Line Mixer
AtlasSound.com – 5 –
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435
Dip Switch Function Identification
Switch Position
• DIPSW#1,2,3,4-24VDCPhantomPowerappliespowerforcondensermicoperationto
corresponding input terminal. Down position is On.
• DIPSW#5,6,7,8-InputMicorLineSelectforinputgainselectionforeachoftheinputs.Up
• DIPSW#9,10,11,12-LowCutFilterengagesatat125Hzwitharolloffrateof12dBperoctave.
microphones to reduce low frequency energy and to increase intelligibility. Down position is On.
Knob and Security Cover
All front panel level controls feature a removable knob that can be replaced with an included security
1. Knob Installation - Turn the potentiometer shaft fully counter-clockwise. Align the knob indicator
to the lowest setting on the panel and the potentiometer shaft slot. Carefully press the knob onto
the potentiometer shaft. Do not force or damage may occur to the potentiometer.
2. SecurityCoverInstallation–Removetheknobfromthepanelandinsertthecover.Donotforceor
damage may occur to the potentiometer. Small pliers may be required to remove the knobs.
There are three ways to securely mount this TSD:
1. Velcro™ - Each unit includes industrial grade Velcro™ with adhesive backing to adhere to any
flat surface.
2. Brackets - Each unit includes two mounting brackets to secure to a cabinet or wall.
3. RackMountPanel-TheoptionalTSD-RMKrackmountpanelsupportsuptofourTSDsina