System 5 Digital Audio Mixing System - InDepth
EuCon Hybrid Option
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The new EuCon Hybrid option for System 5 extends the control
capabilities of the console beyond the dedicated DSP Core to
the outside world, bringing DAW tracks from multiple worksta-
tions onto the console surface for mixing. No other control
system or console comes close to the power and total
integration of Euphonix control surfaces with EuCon.
Any DAW running the EuCon Client Application on the network
can have its tracks selected for placement and control on the
System 5 surface. The position of DAW tracks on the surface is
completely flexible. Multiple tracks from separate DAWs may
be placed in any order on the surface simultaneously next to
Euphonix DSP channels. These channel Layouts may be saved,
making them easy to access and organize - one Layout for DSP
channels, one for Pro Tools and one with combinations from
multiple DAWs for example.
This greatly extends the capability of any System 5 console and
allows operators access to DAW tracks that would otherwise
be available only as traditional playback sources. It is now pos-
sible to have direct, high-speed access to any of these tracks,
their plug-ins and metering.
Pro Tools Mac G5
Logic Pro Mac G5
System 5 Studio Computer
Euphonix DSP SuperCore
EuCon Hybrid
Pilot Computer
2 Ethernet Cards
Bridges the System 5 LAN and
Nuendo PC
Pyramix PC
MCs & System 5-MCs
DAD AX24 Converter/Mic Pre
Logic Pro
Screens DVI
System 5 LAN
Ethernet Switch
Ethernet Router
Pro Tools
Pro ToolsPyramix
Euphonix DSP
Save and recall different combinations of channels with Layouts
DVI Switch from
System 5 EuCon
Panel via
The EuCon control protocol makes all this connectivity possible and is
transparent to the user. The EuCon Hybrid Pilot Computer scans the
Ethernet network for available workstations. Any PC or Mac applica-
tion, not just DAWs, can be controlled from the System 5 surface.
The EuCon Client Application is installed on each PC or Mac
workstation for basic connectivity. This allows control surface
commands, such as fader or knob moves, to be translated into
EuCon, HUI or Mackie Control commands for each application.
Native EuCon applications that directly support the EuCon proto-
col, such as Nuendo, Logic Pro, and Pyramix, have an extremely
high level of integration with high-resolution, high-speed con-
nectivity to all of the application’s functions, including multi-
channel metering and EQ/pan curves. Control is fast and highly
responsive. EuCon Hybrid also provides extensive high-speed
control of Pro Tools, Final Cut Pro, and Digital Performer through
a combination of Mackie HUI or Control Universal protocols and
Euphonix-specific protocol extensions.
In addition to fader, pan, aux sends, metering and routing,
EuCon Hybrid allows access to the track’s plug-ins from the 8
knobs on the System 5.