
The Rock Band 3 Fender Mustang Pro-Guitar isn’t just video game controller; it is also a
genuine musical instrument that can be used in your MIDI Studio or in a live
We created this manual to express the Rock Band 3 Fender Mustang Pro-Guitar’s
capabilities as a MIDI device. Once you are familiar with the topics covered in this user
guide, you should have an understanding of:
RB3 Mustang Guitar Features and Functions
RB3 Mustang Guitar Interface
How to use the RB3 Mustang Guitar in a MIDI Studio
Use as a Software MIDI Controller
Use as a controller for standalone hardware sound modules
MIDI is the abbreviated term for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI is a
language that provides a way for digital musical instruments (or other MIDI compatible
devices) to communicate with one another. MIDI is not audio; the information contained
within MIDI messages is used to trigger sounds from MIDI-compatible sound modules.
The Rock Band 3 Fender Mustang Pro-Guitar supports a variety of MIDI functions. When
used as a MIDI Controller, it is like a remote control that triggers sounds from external
hardware or software devices. When you press a key, MIDI data is sent from the MIDI
Output port. The data travels to the other MIDI devices via a 5-PIN MIDI cable. When
the data is received by the device, sounds will be triggered and passed to your audio
6 Velocity-Sensitive Strings
102 Simulated Fret Buttons
TRS Port for connecting Stomp and/or Expression Pedals
Compatible with MIDI software sequencers and synthesizers
Compatible with standalone MIDI sound modules
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