
- The Leader in DJ Technology
©2000 Industries - 7 - http://www.numark.com
VERY IMPORTANT: Please read this entire manual before connecting this unit to your system
For optimum performance:
Always make sure that AC power is OFF while making any connections.
Use appropriate cables throughout your system. Do not use excessively long cables (i.e. over 50ft/14m) Be sure plugs and jacks are tightly
mated. Loose connections can cause hum, noise or intermittence that could easily damage your speakers. Make the input and output
connections with readily available low-capacitance stereo cables. Quality cable makes a big difference in audio fidelity and punch. See
your Numark dealer or an electronics or audio specialist store if you are not sure which cables to get.
ALWAYS remember: “TURN AMPS ON LAST AND OFF FIRST”. Begin with master faders or volume controls on minimum and the
amplifier gain/input control(s) down. Wait 8 to 10 seconds before turning up the volume. This prevents transients, which may cause severe
speaker damage.
Use restraint when operating controls. Try to move them slowly. Rapid adjustments could damage speakers due to amplifier clipping.
Avoid amplifier “clipping” at all costs: this occurs when the red LEDs (usually on the front panel of most professional power amplifiers)
start flashing. “Clipping” is when the power amplifier is distorting and working beyond it’s limits. Amplifier distortion is THE major cause
of speaker failure.
Study this setup diagram. Make sure all faders are at "zero" and all devices are off. First, connect all
input sources and processors. Next, connect your microphone and monitor headphones. Finally, connect the
stereo outputs to the power amplifier(s) and/or audio receivers such as tape decks. Plug your mixer into AC
power. Now you are ready to switch everything on.
IMPORTANT: Always switch on your audio input sources such as turntables or CD players first, then your
mixer, and finally any amplifiers. When turning off, always reverse this operation by turning off amplifiers,
then your mixer, and then input devices.