19. FLS
(Feedback Locating System
): These LEDs illuminate to indicate the frequency band of highest
energy. When feedback occurs, this system will automatically indicate the graphics slider to use to decrease
that frequency band’s gain in order to lessen or eliminate feedback. (NOTE: These LEDs illuminate with any
audio signal, not just during feedback.)
20. GRAPHIC EQUALIZERS: These nine-band equalizers are fixed on one-octave centers. They are
designed for 12 dB of cut and 12 dB boost. They are connected directly to their power amplifier inputs.
21. SYSTEM MODE: This switch is used to configure the XR 600F as a dual mono amplifier for two main
outputs or one main and one monitor output. It is recessed to prevent accidental switching during a perfor-
mance. Use a non-metallic object to change the switch position (e.g., a toothpick). The XR 600F is shipped
from the factory in the default setting of Main/Main (both amplifiers carry the same signal from the main bus).
When this switch is depressed the lower EQ / PWR AMP 2 remains connected to the main bus (mono). The
upper EQ / PWR AMP 1 then carries the monitor signal only, creating an entire PA and monitor mixing system
in one small, easy-to-carry package. And this change is accomplished without a single patch cord!
22. MONITOR LEVEL: Sets the overall level of the monitor signal that is sent to the Monitor Output Jack.
This control also sets the monitor level going to the power amp when in Main/Monitor mode (see System
Mode #21).
23. MAIN LEVEL: This is the master level control for the main mix and main output jack. This control sets
the Main level going to the power amp when in Main/Monitor mode and also in the Main/Main mode (see
System Mode #21). A good starting position for this control is the center detent position (12:00).
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