Playback of a Stylist demo song
(1) Press one of the STYLIST buttons to select a Stylist demo
Playback of the Stylist demo song starts automatically.
(2) Use the STYLIST buttons to select other Stylist settings.
This is not really necessary, as the E-200/E-100 changes
them automatically during this demo.
(3) Press [START÷STOP] to stop Stylist demo song playback.
Leaving the Demo mode
(1) Hold down the [USB] button while pressing
[KEYBOARD¥TOUCH] to leave the Demo mode.
Playing without accompaniment
When you switch on the E-200/E-100, it select the PIANO SOLO
mode. This means that you can use the E-200/E-100 like a digi-
tal piano, or a synthesizer.
The accompaniment function (called “Arranger”) and
[ONE¥TOUCH] button are not available in PIANO SOLO mode,
while only the Main part is active.
The E-200/E-100 provides three parts for your live playing (and
many more for Arranger backing and Song playback):
Using the Main part
(1) To activate the Main part and assign it to the entire key-
board, press the [PIANO] button.
The icon disappears, the Arranger stops (if it
was playing), and the E-200/E-100 automatically selects a
piano sound for you.
(2) Play a few notes on the keyboard.
(3) If necessary, select another sound by pressing one of the 8
TONE buttons. See p. 28 for details.
(4) If necessary, you can hold down the [TONE] button and
use BALANCE [ACCOMP] (softer) or [KEYBOARD] (louder)
to change the Main part’s volume.
Note: Unlike previous Roland arranger instruments, the E-200/
E-100 no longer distinguishes between “melodic” parts and a
Manual Drums part. You can therefore also play a Drum Kit with
the Main part.
Note: You can also press the [START÷STOP] button to add a
rhythm accompaniment to your playing. This is based on the
currently selected Music Style. See p. 14 for how to select a dif-
ferent one.
Note: See p. 13 and “Automatic playback start (Sync Start)”
(p. 14) for other ways to start Music Style playback (the drums,
that is).
Main As its name suggests, this is the most important
part. As long as the Split part is off, the Main part is
assigned to the entire keyboard.
Split When you switch on this part, it is assigned to the
left half of the keyboard, while the Main part can
be played with your right hand.
Dual This part can be added to the Main part and is also
assigned to the entire keyboard. This allows you to
play two sounds simultaneously.
E-200_US Page 11 Tuesday, January 27, 2004 4:01 PM