Thank you for purchasing a UREI 16XX series digital DJ mixing desk.
Digital technology is revolutionizing the world around us: digital audio, digital video, digital television, digital radio -in all these fields
digital technology is expanding our ideas of what is possible. Digital Signal Processing has already delivered many of the technological
innovations in audio which have driven the recording and re-mixing of dance music. Sampling and effects processing are major
parts of the re-mix process and many styles of dance music just wouldn’t have evolved without them. Up until now, the DJ has made
do with the limitations of analogue technology in the live arena.
Now, UREI by Soundcraft bring the DJ a range of digital mixers for the performance DJ, with operating ergonomics and facilities that
ONLY digital can bring you, and which no other products available today can offer. Configurability, audio performance and special
effect integration are well served by digital technology.
The 1601 and 1601S are just the first of the digital innovations which UREI by Soundcraft are developing to bring the benefits of
digital technology to live mixing. As the 16XX series Digital DJ Mixing System expands, other exciting new methods of processing
the sound in live mixing will be added, as the DJ and the UREI mixer become one.
Introducing the 16XX series. Welcome to the future of DJ mixing.
Registering Your Mixer
Please take this opportunity to register the purchase of your mixer with Urei By Soundcraft. You can do this by filling in the pre-paid
postcard included in the packaging, or by going online to www.ureidj.com/registration.