Stanton M304 DJ Equipment User Manual

ing all traces of dirt and contamination.
4. Remove the fader track (G) by slowly withdrawing from the
unit. Place fader track on desk or working surface with
black contacts facing upwards. If necessary, the track can
be washed in warm water, wiped gently then dried thor-
oughly using a dry cloth. Use a lint free cloth or swab to
wipe the tracks and check for marks along the track.
(Note: Lint free cloth should be used to avoid
dust/fibers being deposited on the track). If the track
appears excessively worn, or if cleaning does not
improve operation, replacement may be necessary.
5. Examine the center channel of the fader body and if
dirty, clean using cotton buds.
6. Re-assemble and lubricate the fader as follows:
6.1) Secure the end block and guide rail onto the fader
6.2) Insert track into the fader body.
6.3) Insert slider assembly onto guide rail and into the
fader body. Move slider from end to end to
disperse the oil evenly. Carefully wipe
away any excess oil using a tissue or cloth.
6.4) Lubricate the guide rail by placing one
drop of silicon liquid oil onto the guide rail
6.5) Insert dust cover.
6.6) Insert fader track back into fader body with wires com-
ing out open end of fader body.
6.7) Secure the remaining end block ensuring that the
track wires (I) are not pinched between the end block and
fader casing.
7. Once assembled, move the slider from end to end to ensure operation
is smooth.
8. Attach fader to fader plate. (NOTE: As noted earlier if you do not want
to change positioning of fader, keep the 2 fader plate screws loose and
shift the fader until it is aligned with the marks you created in step 1,
then tighten fader plate screws.)